話題 : 醫學科技學院

2.博士論文畢業條件與巨量期刊Mega Journal相關規範依校級會議決議執行:
(A)舊生設立兩年緩衝期,兩年後發表於Mega Journal之論文將不得列為畢業論文。
(B)自112學年度起入學新生全面實施發表於Mega Journal之論文不得列為畢業論文,請各學院與新生充份溝通並於新生說明會宣導。
2024.06.07 (W5) 14:00-16:00,Special Lecture on Cancer genomics & proteomics:Epigenetics and Beyond: Targeting the histone-modifying enzymes  in cancer and disease.. @ Shuang-Ho Campus, Teaching & Research Building, 8F Meeting Room 3.
H1 Antihistamines Reduce the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, or Dual Hepatitis B Virus Hepatitis C Virus Infection.
E2 E3 Ubiquitin enzyme pairing partnership in provoking or mitigating cancers
Injectable Bioactive Glass/Sodium Alginate Hydrogel with Immunomodulatory and Angiogenic Properties for Enhanced Tendon Healing
Genetic Disruption of KLF1 K74 SUMOylation in Hematopoietic System1 Promotes Healthy Longevity in Mice
SH3GLB1-related autophagy mediates mitochondrial metabolism to acquire resistance against temozolomide in glioblastoma
Using artificial intelligence based models to predict the risk of mucormycosis among COVID 19 survivors: An experience from a public hospital in India
Long noncoding RNA Smyca coactivates TGF β/ Smad and Myc pathways to drive tumor progression
Ribonucleotide reductase M2B in the myofibers modulates stem cell fate in skeletal muscle
2022.12.05(Mon) 09:00-12:00 「2022 TMU-NHRI-NIH Neuroscience Symposium-Neurodegenerative Disorders」
邀請到 輝瑞大藥廠 全球臨床開發資深總監 林錦洲醫師 (Dr.Carlos Linn)。林醫師投入藥物臨床開發及人體臨床試驗長達17年,在腫瘤藥物的臨床開發、人體試驗 的安全監測與醫療監督等方面,擁有長期豐富的經驗。在本次演講中林醫師將會分享他的觀點與經驗於「台灣生技產業與醫療機構面對臨床開發重要方針:轉譯研究思維改變應用於設計癌症早期臨床試驗 Paradigm Shift of Translational Research in Designing Oncology Early-Phase Study: The Most Essential, Relevant, and Inspiring Tips in The Clinical Development for The Biotech and Institutes in Taiwan.