話題 : 醫學科技學院

2.博士論文畢業條件與巨量期刊Mega Journal相關規範依校級會議決議執行:
(A)舊生設立兩年緩衝期,兩年後發表於Mega Journal之論文將不得列為畢業論文。
(B)自112學年度起入學新生全面實施發表於Mega Journal之論文不得列為畢業論文,請各學院與新生充份溝通並於新生說明會宣導。
2024.06.07 (W5) 14:00-16:00,Special Lecture on Cancer genomics & proteomics:Epigenetics and Beyond: Targeting the histone-modifying enzymes  in cancer and disease.. @ Shuang-Ho Campus, Teaching & Research Building, 8F Meeting Room 3.
邀請到醫智健康科技ASKin 周肇興執行長,講題為「AI+遠距醫療 - 科技創新服務的國內外第一線臨床應用分享」,分享醫智健康科技(原名「皮智DermAI」)如何透過人工智慧技術,搭配民眾就醫需求之應用情境,開發出創新的就醫體驗,並提供遠距專科醫師線上諮詢,發展更貼近個人化醫療照護之醫療服務商業模式。
2022/10/03 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #2 「Molecular Testing in Reproductive Health」, Date:2022.10.03, Time:10-12 am, @601 Meeting Room
邀請到醫乘智慧AIxMed 劉天仁(TJ Liu)營運長,分享醫乘智慧如何整合台灣的醫療、電子、AI及臨床試驗等相關技術、人才之優勢,實際切入市場需求、解決臨床痛點,開發出精準的醫療檢測技術,並成功推向海內外市場之實戰經驗。
2022/10/31 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #4, Date:2022.10.31, Time:10-12 am
2022/11/07 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #5, Date:2022.11.07, Time:10-12 am
2022/11/14 Special Lecture on Medical Science and Technology #2 「Genomics of Neurological disorders」, Date:2022.11.14, Time:10-12 am
2022/12/19 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #7 「Application of diffusion MRI and artificial intelligence to brain health examination and dementia risk assessment」, Date:2022.12.19, Time:10-12 am, @601 Meeting Room
2022/12/05 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #6 「The crosstalk of systemic inflammation and neural diseases」, Date:2022.12.05, Time:10-12 am, @601 Meeting Room
2022/10/24 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #3 「Clinical Study 101」, Date:2022.10.24, Time:10-12 am, @601 Meeting Room
2022/09/26 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #1, Date:2022.09.26, Time:10-12 am