話題 : 醫學科技學院

2.博士論文畢業條件與巨量期刊Mega Journal相關規範依校級會議決議執行:
(A)舊生設立兩年緩衝期,兩年後發表於Mega Journal之論文將不得列為畢業論文。
(B)自112學年度起入學新生全面實施發表於Mega Journal之論文不得列為畢業論文,請各學院與新生充份溝通並於新生說明會宣導。
2024.06.07 (W5) 14:00-16:00,Special Lecture on Cancer genomics & proteomics:Epigenetics and Beyond: Targeting the histone-modifying enzymes  in cancer and disease.. @ Shuang-Ho Campus, Teaching & Research Building, 8F Meeting Room 3.
2022.05.12 (W4) 10:00-12:00, Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Drug marketing analysis @ Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2
2022.05.19 (W4) 10:00-12:00, Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - CMC consideration for bio-similar drugs @ Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2
2022.06.02 (W4) 10:00-12:00, Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Drug marketing analysis @ Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2
2022.05.05 (W4) 13:00-15:00, 神經醫學系列講座-腦磁圖原理與應用@線上會議:https://meet.google.com/gsg-zqhh-own
2022.05.17 (W2) 10:00-12:00, Cancer genomics & proteomics - The application of NGS in cancer studies @ Front Building, 3F Conference Room 2
2022.05.24 (W2) 10:00-12:00, Cancer genomics & proteomics - Role of long non-coding RNAs and miRNA in cancer
 @ Front Building, 3F Conference Room 2
2022.06.10 (W5) 13:00-15:00, Molecular medicine for human diseases - Lung cancer @ Front Building, 3F Conference Room 2
2022.04.27 (W3) 13:00-16:00,Video Conference - College of Medical Science and Technology &  College of Biomedical Engineering  Joint Symposium on De Novo Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment of Diseases @ https://taipeimedicaluniversity-wll.my.webex.com/taipeimedicaluniversity-wll.my-tc/j.php?MTID=m9507bfc0a896c595f8baed77b75f593a
2022.04.14 (W4) 10:00-12:00, Advanced techniques for  translational research - Next-Generation Sequencing (NGC) in the translational research @ Front Building, 3F Conference Room 3
2022.04.28 (W4) 10:00-12:00, Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Preclinical study(I) @ Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2