Webinar: AI in Healthcare (Prof. Shabbir Syed Abdul)



Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is the combination of artificial intelligence and internet of things (IoT), and has opened a wide range of opportunities for healthcare advancements. Wearable devices, non-contact sensors, m-health technologies are some examples of IoT which when connected to the internet can collect valuable medical data. This data can provide insights about the symptoms, the patterns and variations, enable remote care and monitoring, and encourage participatory health care among the patients. Research has focused on the IoT devices, and how they can be used to monitor health parameters and detect health conditions. Non-contact sensors are gaining popularity in clinical settings for monitoring the vital parameters of patients. Application of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms on the data collected from IoT devices can help in prediction, early detection, and better management of diseases. These models could assist healthcare professionals in decision making and formulating better care plans for patients. Thus, artificial intelligence has a wide range of applications for healthcare data from IoT devices. Prof. Shabbir Syed Abdul Master / Ph.D. Programs in Graduate Institute of Biomedical Informatics


112學年度招生訊息 國際神經醫學碩士學位學程 國際轉譯科學博士學位學程 學生事務處 癌症生物學與藥物研發博士學位學程 轉譯醫學博士學位學程 教務處 國際事務處 健康資訊科技國際研究中心 癌症生物學與藥物研發研究所


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【狂賀】恭喜皇甫維君副院長 榮獲112學年度校級教學優良教師!!!

臺北醫學大學 醫學科技學院


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