話題 : 神經醫學博士學位學程

We are delighted to extend our invitation to the collaborative Neuroscience Symposium, titled "2023 Neuroscience Symposium - Neurodrug Development," jointly organized by the University of Helsinki and Taipei Medical University. The event is scheduled for December 12, 2023, at 9:00 AM. @Conferance Room 1, 8F, Teaching & Reseach Building, Shuangho Campus, Taipei medical University
2023/09/27(W3) 08:00-09:00,Special Lecture on Biomedical industry & biodesign-Market Access/Corporate Affairs Function in Pharmaceuticals vs Tobacco Companies. @ Xinyi Campus, Front Building, 3F Conference Room 1
HDAC6 involves in regulating the lncRNA microRNA mRNA network to promote the proliferation of glioblastoma cells
Genetic Disruption of KLF1 K74 SUMOylation in Hematopoietic System1 Promotes Healthy Longevity in Mice
Neuroscience research has always been a competitive and popular field of study in biomedical science around the world. Being one of the prime research focuses, neuroscience research in TMU continues to develop vastly over the past few decades. In this session, we introduce you the Ph.D. Program, and the newly added Master Program, of Medical Neuroscience, including faculties with a variety of research interests, the offered courses with comprehensive coverage in neuroscience, and sufficient resources in all aspects. Our primary goal is to ensure the complete training of new talents in neuroscience research. Please join this session if you are interested in graduate study in neuroscience.
New hope for Alzheimer’s treatment
Taipei Medical University leads the world in new discoveries with publications in internationally renowned journals
CCL5 promotion of bioenergy metabolism is crucial for hippocampal synapse complex and memory formation
Increased activation of HDAC1/2/6 and Sp1 underlies therapeutic resistance and tumor growth in glioblastoma


112學年度招生訊息 國際神經醫學碩士學位學程 國際轉譯科學博士學位學程 學生事務處 癌症生物學與藥物研發博士學位學程 轉譯醫學博士學位學程 教務處 國際事務處 健康資訊科技國際研究中心 癌症生物學與藥物研發研究所


【狂賀】恭喜皇甫維君副院長 榮獲112學年度校級教學優良教師!!!

【狂賀】恭喜皇甫維君副院長 榮獲112學年度校級教學優良教師!!!

臺北醫學大學 醫學科技學院


為了培育具國際競爭力的智慧生醫人才,以因應目前國際腫瘤生物醫學人才之需,故設置腫瘤分子生物EMI微學 ...


為了培育具國際競爭力的生醫產業人才,以因應目前國際生醫產業人才之需,故設置臨床產業鏈結EMI微學程( ...

QS WEBSITE:3 PhD programmes to get excited about.

Taipei Medical University (TMU) offers a trio of d ...


TMU-CoMST Podcasts - Associate Professor Clare Huang Fu.

Clare Huang Fu is an associate professor, cancer r ...