話題 : 臺北醫學大學

2.博士論文畢業條件與巨量期刊Mega Journal相關規範依校級會議決議執行:
(A)舊生設立兩年緩衝期,兩年後發表於Mega Journal之論文將不得列為畢業論文。
(B)自112學年度起入學新生全面實施發表於Mega Journal之論文不得列為畢業論文,請各學院與新生充份溝通並於新生說明會宣導。
According to the resolution of epidemic prevention meeting on Jan. 18, starting from Jan. 20, all visitors should be wearing a mask and having the temperature checked for campus entry (including underground parking lot). Anyone not wearing a mask or with forehead temperature of greater than or equal to 37.5 degree celsius will not be permitted to enter the campus.
109學年度「精準健康系列講座」-110/01/13(三)-中央研究院化學研究所陳玉如所長-「Taiwan Cancer Proteogenomics Moonshot : Pathway to Next Generation Precision Medicine in Cancer」
109學年度「精準健康系列講座」-110/01/15(五)-營養學院謝榮鴻副院長-「Tailoring Nutrition Therapy for Targeting Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Metabolism to Illness and Recovery」
109學年度「北醫創新講座」-110/01/19(二)-中央大學徐沺講座教授-「Tumor Microenvironment of Renal Cell Carcinoma: Systemic and Single-cell Analyses」
109學年度「精準健康系列講座」-110/01/28(四)-曾慧恩主任-「Molecular Tumor Board:The Role in Current and Future Precision Cancer Treatment」(12:00-13:00 視訊演講)
Taipei Medical University establishing “OHDSI Taiwan Chapter,” joining global transnational research published in JAMIA
For 2021 admission, TMU only accepts international graduate students (Master and Ph.D.).  *This webpage is designed for desktop users, content may not be displayed properly on mobile devices.