話題 : 癌症生物學與藥物研發博士學位學程

2023/04/27 (W4) Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Preclinical study(I) @ Xinyi Campus, Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2
2023/04/20 (W4) Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Drug marketing analysis @ Xinyi Campus, Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2
2023/04/13 (W4) Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - ​Design and Development of Topical Ophthalmic Drugs: From Idea to Medicine @ https://meet.google.com/hao-nwot-ocd
2023/03/30 (W4) Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - ​Design and Development of Topical Ophthalmic Drugs: From Idea to Medicine @ Xinyi Campus, Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2
2023/03/16 (W4) Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - ​Small molecular drug design and development @ Xinyi Campus, Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2
111學年度「Glory Hall群賢雅聚工作坊」-112/03/08(三)-醫科院 許凱程教授-老師與學生共創雙贏「以新藥研發進行專題與大專生研究計畫」經驗分享(1500-1700君蔚樓1樓君蔚夢想創新空間)
 2023/03/02 (W4) 10:00-12:00,Series Lecture on Drug  Discovery and Development - ​Drug optimization @ Xinyi Campus, Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2
由教育部指導、臺北醫學大學主辦,Drug Discovery Supernova 新藥探索超新星科普培訓計畫,有191位對新藥探索科普培訓課程活動有興趣之高中生報名,由授課教師依報名參加者填寫內容,甄選出60位優秀學員,於2023/02/11 (六) 下午13:30-17:00進行培訓計畫。