話題 : TMU

Taipei Medical University (TMU) offers a trio of dynamic PhD programmes that promise to invigorate the realms of translational science, cancer biology and drug discovery, and medical neuroscience. These programmes not only delve into cutting-edge research but also prioritise hands-on experience, collaboration, and global engagement.

We spoke to Taipei Medical University to learn more about these three exciting areas of PhD study.
國際事務處給同學的一封信/ Message from the Office of Global Engagement
Increased activation of HDAC1/2/6 and Sp1 underlies therapeutic resistance and tumor growth in glioblastoma
For 2021 admission, TMU only accepts international graduate students (Master and Ph.D.).  *This webpage is designed for desktop users, content may not be displayed properly on mobile devices.
Calendar of Fall,2019-Spring,2021
臺北醫學大學醫學科技學院(College of Medical Science and Technology, TMU)成立於2010年,以北醫大醫療應用領域系所為主軸,並與國內最高學術單位中央研究院及國家衛生研究院合作,推動北醫大學術研究能量,加速發展轉譯醫學之教學與研究、拓展跨領域國際研究,同時也是國內少數與美國之大學有研究所雙聯學位之學院。