話題 : 醫學資訊研究所

邀請到本校AI智慧醫療衍生新創醫守科技龍安靖(Jim Long)執行長,講題為「醫療大數據創新-應用梅約數據平台落地美國之經驗分享」,分享醫守科技如何從本土醫療新創躋身世界,更入選美國最大梅約醫療集團創立之加速器平台, 引領台灣智慧醫療新創站上世界舞台。同時,我們更邀請到北醫大許明暉數據長擔任本次講座主持人,並與龍執行長對談我國的健康大數據將如何促進世界健康醫療產業邁向下一階段的發展!內容精彩可期,敬請踴躍參與!
2022.03.24 (W4) Introduction to Fake News Intervention-中央研究院資訊科學研究所古倫維副研究員@ https://meet.google.com/rbh-wdgv-ezr
2022.03.03 (W4) 13:30-15:00,  Special Lecture -  YOLOv4 @ Meeting room: https://meet.google.com/rbh-wdgv-ezr
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is the combination of artificial intelligence and internet of things (IoT), and has opened a wide range of opportunities for healthcare advancements. Wearable devices, non-contact sensors, m-health technologies are some examples of IoT which when connected to the internet can collect valuable medical data. This data can provide insights about the symptoms, the patterns and variations, enable remote care and monitoring, and encourage participatory health care among the patients. Research has focused on the IoT devices, and how they can be used to monitor health parameters and detect health conditions. Non-contact sensors are gaining popularity in clinical settings for monitoring the vital parameters of patients. Application of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms on the data collected from IoT devices can help in prediction, early detection, and better management of diseases. These models could assist healthcare professionals in decision making and formulating better care plans for patients. Thus, artificial intelligence has a wide range of applications for healthcare data from IoT devices.
10 AM, DEC.10, 2021,  ※The lecture will be remote using webex .

日期: 2021-11-18(四)

時間: 3:30pm-5:00pm

地點: 大安校區B2 B201教室

主題: 數位轉型之資服業合縱連橫

演講者: 大同世界科技公司沈柏延董事長


時間: 2021-3-25 (Thursday)1:30pm-3:00pm

地點: 大安校區B2樓B202會議室