話題 : 神經醫學博士學位學程

2022/12/19 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #7 「Application of diffusion MRI and artificial intelligence to brain health examination and dementia risk assessment」, Date:2022.12.19, Time:10-12 am, @601 Meeting Room
2022/12/05 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #6 「The crosstalk of systemic inflammation and neural diseases」, Date:2022.12.05, Time:10-12 am, @601 Meeting Room
2022/10/24 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #3 「Clinical Study 101」, Date:2022.10.24, Time:10-12 am, @601 Meeting Room
2022/09/26 Special Lecture on Medical Neuroscience #1, Date:2022.09.26, Time:10-12 am
2022.06.16 (W4) 13:00-15:00, 神經醫學系列講座-功能性近紅外光譜技術原理與應用@線上會議:https://meet.google.com/pgn-depe-kcn
2022.05.26 (W4) 13:00-15:00, 神經醫學系列講座-結構性磁振造影@線上會議:https://nhri-meet.webex.com/meet/mrnil
2022.06.09 (W4) 13:00-15:00, 神經醫學系列講座-結構性磁振造影@線上會議:https://meet.google.com/vor-jdov-ako
2022.05.18 (W3) 13:00-15:00, 神經醫學系列講座-正子造影原理與應用@線上會議:https://meet.google.com/zbh-jjdx-gpn
2022.05.05 (W4) 13:00-15:00, 神經醫學系列講座-腦磁圖原理與應用@線上會議:https://meet.google.com/gsg-zqhh-own
Neuroscience research has always been a competitive and popular field of study in biomedical science around the world. Being one of the prime research focuses, neuroscience research in TMU continues to develop vastly over the past few decades. In this session, we introduce you the Ph.D. Program, and the newly added Master Program, of Medical Neuroscience, including faculties with a variety of research interests, the offered courses with comprehensive coverage in neuroscience, and sufficient resources in all aspects. Our primary goal is to ensure the complete training of new talents in neuroscience research. Please join this session if you are interested in graduate study in neuroscience.