國際交流 - 外賓演講

Series Lecture on BioPharmaceutical - The impact of early ADME profiling on drug discovery and development.
Series Lecture on BioPharmaceutical - The impact of early ADME profiling on drug discovery and development.

2021.03.18 (W4) 13:00-15:00, Series Lecture on BioPharmaceutical - The impact of early ADME profiling on drug discovery and development.

【醫資所專題演講】2021/3/18 國立臺北護理健康大學資訊管理系暨研究所連中岳助理教授
【醫資所專題演講】2021/3/18 國立臺北護理健康大學資訊管理系暨研究所連中岳助理教授

Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Drug optimization
Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Drug optimization

2021.03.11 (W4) 10:00-12:00, Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Drug optimization

Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Introduction to regulations related to clinical trials of new drugs
Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Introduction to regulations related to clinical trials of new drugs

2021.03.04 (W5) 13-15pm, Series Lecture on BioPharmaceutical - Introduction to regulations related to clinical trials of new drugs

1091 專家學者演講-110/01/07 -Dr. Simon Silver-2020 Year of COVID-19 pandemic and Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2.(15:00~17:00)
1091 專家學者演講-110/01/07 -Dr. Simon Silver-2020 Year of COVID-19 pandemic and Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2.(15:00~17:00)

110/01/07 -Dr. Simon Silver-2020 Year of COVID-19 pandemic and Corona Virus SARS-CoV-2.(15:00~17:00)


江博煌博士在國家衛生研究院工作超20年,在運用資訊管理科技上有很顯著的貢獻,從最早的研究資源的建立(包括健保研究資料庫、細胞庫、國家醫學圖書資源及生物資訊等),到成為參與國家衛生資訊基礎建設(NHII & NHIP),近幾年負責國衛院論壇的建置及推動工作,擔任副執行長兼代理執行長一職,協助政府在社會安全網、高齡醫學及長照研究、精準醫療及智慧健康等議題,完成二十幾份的政策評估報告。


Feipei Lai received a B.S.E.E. degree from National Taiwan University in 1980, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1984 and 1987, respectively. He is a professor in the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, the Graduate Institute of Medical Device and Imaging, the Graduate Institute of Health Policy and Management, the Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University.




三度連續創業家、AIoT資深創客。深蹲醫療與電子業20餘年,多次領導跨光機電軟大小研發團隊實現不可能的任務,超級任務導向,熱愛解決問題。 Serial entrepreneur, senior AIoT maker. Working in medical and electronic industry for more than 2 decades. Leading large-scale R&D team with optical, software, electronical, and mechanical engineers to accomplish unmet needs. Mission oriented, problem solver.
