
院級健康資訊科技國際研究中心由時任醫科院院長、現任醫學資訊研究所李友專特聘教授成立擔任主任至今 ( 個人網站: )

研究中心之發展目標,結合教學醫院及轉譯醫學實務經驗,共同從事我國醫療照護在資訊與通訊科技的發展與推廣,以加強保健醫學發展所需之前瞻性、預測性、預防性及參與性,2015年1月27日成立院級研究中心「醫學科技學院健康資訊科技國際研究中心」(International Center for Health Information Technology, ICHIT)。Website:


1. 推動行動照護(mHealth;Mobile Health)/遠距照護(Telemed),並積極規劃實務應用的研究與教學。

2. 協助研究人員及臨床工作人員利用Big Data進行資料分析處理與資料探勘研究。

3. 結合教學醫院以及轉譯中心的臨床經驗以及專業人員,共同建置實證研究平台與系統,以促進行動照護的發展與應用。

4. 發展行動照護的健康物聯網(Internet of Things, IOT),透過學術研究以及新計劃的發起以達成任務。

5. 舉辦大型健康資訊科技相關之黑客松活動,藉此育成國內具特色之創新健康資訊科技研究/創業團隊。

The International Center for Health Information Technology(ICHIT) is a leading center who have demonstrated the excellence in cutting-edge research in the utilization of ICT in the healthcare. Our focus is 4P medicine (Prediction, Prevention, Participation and Personalization). We work closely with our teaching hospitals and practice translational medicine to our best knowledge. We formed a multidisciplinary team consist of experts from Biomedical informatics, Data mining, Natural Language Processing, Social Networking experts, Consultants from Neurology, Cardiology, Nephrology and Dermatology, Physicians, Nurses and medical technologists. We are mainly focusing on translational research in HIT (Health Information Technology). In this context we can offer you design as well as functional analysis of the software, business and processes analytics, integration of heterogeneous e-Health and m-Health systems through a common open platform.

A. Health IoT

The Internet of Things is a concept in which more devices (sensors/things) will be communicating across the Internet than human users. Explore technologies that collect both clinical and lifestyle data to track compliance with care plans, assess the role of wearable technology in improving outcomes for chronic and acute conditions for patients.

B. Telemedicine & mHealth

The mHealth + Telehealth technologies brings together hospitals, policy makers, and innovators to discuss the future of connected health. It bridge the gap between rural health seekers with urban health providers.

C. Big Data Analytis & Visualization

Data visualization is the presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format. Converting millions of data points into one graph or map for easy understanding. The potential healthcare benefits are immense, and data governance best practices can be used to help ensure a safer and quality care.

D. e-Learning & Medical Education

Distance learning refers to use of technologies based on health care delivered on distance and covers areas such as e-health, telematics, telemedicine, tele-education, etc. Explore the various technologies and communication systems for the need of e-health, telemedicine, e-Learning or tele-education.


112學年度招生訊息 國際神經醫學碩士學位學程 國際轉譯科學博士學位學程 學生事務處 癌症生物學與藥物研發博士學位學程 轉譯醫學博士學位學程 教務處 國際事務處 健康資訊科技國際研究中心 癌症生物學與藥物研發研究所


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【狂賀】恭喜皇甫維君副院長 榮獲112學年度校級教學優良教師!!!

臺北醫學大學 醫學科技學院


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