話題 : TMU







2022.01.10 典範研究分享,大師講堂-沈哲鯤院士,演講時間10:30-11:30,地點:校本部後棟16樓國際會議廳。演講題目:我進入生醫科學研究領域的學思歷程。
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is the combination of artificial intelligence and internet of things (IoT), and has opened a wide range of opportunities for healthcare advancements. Wearable devices, non-contact sensors, m-health technologies are some examples of IoT which when connected to the internet can collect valuable medical data. This data can provide insights about the symptoms, the patterns and variations, enable remote care and monitoring, and encourage participatory health care among the patients. Research has focused on the IoT devices, and how they can be used to monitor health parameters and detect health conditions. Non-contact sensors are gaining popularity in clinical settings for monitoring the vital parameters of patients. Application of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms on the data collected from IoT devices can help in prediction, early detection, and better management of diseases. These models could assist healthcare professionals in decision making and formulating better care plans for patients. Thus, artificial intelligence has a wide range of applications for healthcare data from IoT devices.
2021.12.09 (W4) 13:00-15:00, Special lecture on processing & translational research of medical sciences
@ 校本部 2204
This August, six representatives from three Taiwanese medical technology startups traveled to Berkeley for three months of intense coaching, training, and networking as part of UC Berkeley School of Public Health’s newly launched Taiwan-Berkeley Health Innovation Accelerator.
為提昇教師研究能量、配合校務鼓勵教師朝創新型大學發展及鼓勵教師發表國際合著論文與國際接軌,經多次專案小組、四場公聽會及校教評會討論後,依 110年 6月 28日校教評會決議,進行辦法教師升等相關辦法修正,並已於110年 9月 29日校務會議通過。
The end of the year is a warm and blessed moment. COMST will host a "Thanksgiving Party and Welcome Party" for you all.


112學年度招生訊息 跨領域學院 國際神經醫學碩士學位學程 總務處 國際轉譯科學博士學位學程 111學年度招生訊息 圖書館 學生事務處 醫學生物科技博士學位學程 癌症生物學與藥物研發博士學位學程



為了培育具國際競爭力的智慧生醫人才,以因應目前國際腫瘤生物醫學人才之需,故設置腫瘤分子生物EMI微學 ...


為了培育具國際競爭力的生醫產業人才,以因應目前國際生醫產業人才之需,故設置臨床產業鏈結EMI微學程( ...

QS WEBSITE:3 PhD programmes to get excited about.

Taipei Medical University (TMU) offers a trio of d ...


TMU-CoMST Podcasts - Associate Professor Clare Huang Fu.

Clare Huang Fu is an associate professor, cancer r ...