話題 : 醫學科技學院

2.博士論文畢業條件與巨量期刊Mega Journal相關規範依校級會議決議執行:
(A)舊生設立兩年緩衝期,兩年後發表於Mega Journal之論文將不得列為畢業論文。
(B)自112學年度起入學新生全面實施發表於Mega Journal之論文不得列為畢業論文,請各學院與新生充份溝通並於新生說明會宣導。
2024.06.07 (W5) 14:00-16:00,Special Lecture on Cancer genomics & proteomics:Epigenetics and Beyond: Targeting the histone-modifying enzymes  in cancer and disease.. @ Shuang-Ho Campus, Teaching & Research Building, 8F Meeting Room 3.
2022.03.17 (W4) 10:00-12:00, Series Lecture on Drug Discovery and Development - Design and Development of Topical Ophthalmic Drugs: From Idea to Medicine @ Rear Building, 15F Conference Room 2
2022.03.03 (W4) 13:30-15:00,  Special Lecture -  YOLOv4 @ Meeting room: https://meet.google.com/rbh-wdgv-ezr
2/16(三)12:00-13:00劉晏年教 授國衛院研究計畫申請經驗分享會

2022.01.10 典範研究分享,大師講堂-沈哲鯤院士,演講時間10:30-11:30,地點:校本部後棟16樓國際會議廳。演講題目:我進入生醫科學研究領域的學思歷程。
2022.01.03 典範研究分享,大師講堂-龔行健院士,演講時間10:30-11:30,地點:校本部前棟四樓誠樸廳。演講題目:癌症基因40年。
Neuroscience research has always been a competitive and popular field of study in biomedical science around the world. Being one of the prime research focuses, neuroscience research in TMU continues to develop vastly over the past few decades. In this session, we introduce you the Ph.D. Program, and the newly added Master Program, of Medical Neuroscience, including faculties with a variety of research interests, the offered courses with comprehensive coverage in neuroscience, and sufficient resources in all aspects. Our primary goal is to ensure the complete training of new talents in neuroscience research. Please join this session if you are interested in graduate study in neuroscience.
Translational medical research is a critical issue in recent biomedical research. However, most translational research was conducted in animal studies and confirmed by clinical samples without additional action. There are very few success stories of moving from bench to the bedside, specifically in the East Asian scientific society. The central concept of translational science is designed to move basic research into clinical care at the patient’s bedside and take the messages from the clinical application back into the research environment. However, the connection between basic research and clinical application involved many barriers, such as transgenic animal models for disease research, structure chemistry, PDX model for drug validation, bioinformatics, different background in disease mechanisms, therapeutic targets, and clinical trials, etc. To build a solid team for bridging between basic scientists and clinical healthcare experts, Taipei Medical University established the program for translational research. This program no longer focuses on his/her immediate research goal. We gather experts with various backgrounds, including experts in structural chemistry, biology, biochemistry, animal models, drug screening, antibody drugs and clinical trials. We built a research team and formulated into the department to establish the ability to use deductive logic to explain research results and build a super-highway for clinical trial and clinical practice. We welcome anyone interested in the research of biomedical entrepreneurs to join us in translational research.


112學年度招生訊息 跨領域學院 國際神經醫學碩士學位學程 總務處 國際轉譯科學博士學位學程 111學年度招生訊息 圖書館 學生事務處 醫學生物科技博士學位學程 癌症生物學與藥物研發博士學位學程



為了培育具國際競爭力的智慧生醫人才,以因應目前國際腫瘤生物醫學人才之需,故設置腫瘤分子生物EMI微學 ...


為了培育具國際競爭力的生醫產業人才,以因應目前國際生醫產業人才之需,故設置臨床產業鏈結EMI微學程( ...

QS WEBSITE:3 PhD programmes to get excited about.

Taipei Medical University (TMU) offers a trio of d ...


TMU-CoMST Podcasts - Associate Professor Clare Huang Fu.

Clare Huang Fu is an associate professor, cancer r ...